2009年9月-2013年6月 西北农林科技大学 学士
2013年9月-2016年6月 中国农业科学院 硕士
2016年9月-2020年6月 中国农业大学 博士
2020年9月-2023年4月 中国农业科学院 博士后
2023年4月至今 欧洲杯线上买球 教师
1. 中国博士后科学基金项目(2020M680785):低浓度Z9-14:Ald提高性信息素对棉铃虫雄虫吸引效果的机制,2021-01至2023-01,主持。
2. 2023年中央高校基本科研业务费项目(自然科学类)-新进教师科研启动专项(XJ2023000201),中华蜜蜂识别植物花粉的味觉机制研究,2023-05至2025-04,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32072509),一类特殊气味受体介导棉铃虫产卵行为的机制研究,2021-01至2024-12,参与。
4. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(31911530234),蛾类性信息素受体在气味受体的进化过程中出现两次,2019-01至2021-12,参与。
5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31801807),日龄影响棉铃虫雄虫交配行为的机制,2019-01至2021-12,参与。
1. 昆虫的化学通讯机制
2. 昆虫与植物的互作机制
1. Cao S#, Shi C#, Wang B, Xiu P, Wang Y*, Liu Y*, Wang G*. 2023. Evolutionary shifts in pheromone receptors contribute to speciation in four Helicoverpa species. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 80, 199.
2. Cao S, Sun D, Liu Y, Wang G*. 2023. Mutagenesis of odorant coreceptor Orco reveals distinct role of olfaction between sexes in Spodoptera frugiperda, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22, 2162-2172.
3. Zhang Y#, Liu H#, Cao S#, Li B, Liu Y, Wang G*. 2023. Identification of transient receptor potential channel genes and functional characterization of TRPA1 in Spodoptera frugiperda, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, In press.
4. Cao S, Liu Y*, Wang G*. 2022. Protocol to identify ligands of odorant receptors using two-electrode voltage clamp combined with the Xenopus oocytes heterologous expression system. STAR Protocols, 3, 101249.
5. Cao S#, Liu Y#, Wang B, Wang G*. 2021. A single point mutation causes one-way alteration of pheromone receptor function in two Heliothis species. iScience, 24, 102981.
6. Cao S, Huang T, Shen J, Liu Y*, Wang G*. 2020. An orphan pheromone receptor affects the mating behavior of Helicoverpa armigera. Frontiers in Physiology, 11, 413.
7. Wang B#, Cao S#, Liu W, Wang G*. 2020. Effect of OBPs on the response of olfactory receptors. Methods in Enzymology, 642, 279-300.
8. Cao S, Liu Y, Guo M, Wang G*. 2016. A conserved odorant receptor tuned to floral volatiles in three heliothinae species. PLoS One, 11, e0155029.
9. 曹松, 刘杨*, 王桂荣*. 2020. 蛾类性信息素受体研究进展. 昆虫学报, 63, 1546-1568.
10. Chen Q, Liu X, Cao S, Ma B, Guo M, Shen J, Wang G*. 2021. Fine Structure and Olfactory Reception of the Labial Palps of Spodoptera frugiperda. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 680697.
11. Zhang S#, Yan S#, Zhang Z, Cao S, Li B, Liu Y*, Wang G*. 2021. Identification and functional characterization of sex pheromone receptors in mirid bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 136, 103621.
12. Huang T#, Zhang R#, Yang L, Cao S, Francis F, Wang B*, Wang G*. 2021. Identification and functional characterization of a novel odorant receptor in pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20, 2-11.
13. Guo M#, Du L#, Chen Q, Feng Y, Zhang J, Zhang X, Tian K, Cao S, Huang T, Jacquin-Joly E, Wang G*, Liu Y*. 2020. Odorant receptors for detecting flowering plant cues are functionally conserved across moths and butterflies. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38, 1413-1427.
14. Shen S, Cao S, Zhang Z, Kong X, Liu F, Wang G*, Zhang S*. 2020. Evolution of sex pheromone receptors in Dendrolimus punctatus Walker (lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) is divergent from other moth species. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 122, 103375.
15. Bastin-Héline L, de Fouchier A, Cao S, Koutroumpa F, Caballero-Vidal G, Robakiewicz S, Monsempes C, François M-C, Ribeyre T, Maria A, Chertemps T, Cian A d, Walker W B, Wang G*, Jacquin-Joly E*, Montagné N*. 2019. A novel lineage of candidate pheromone receptors for sex communication in moths. eLife, 8, e49826.
16. Liu W, Jiang X, Cao S, Yang B*, Wang G*. 2018. Functional studies of sex pheromone receptors in Asian corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, 591.