1997年9月- 2001年6月 欧洲杯线上买球 理学学士学位
2003年9月- 2009年6月 欧洲杯线上买球 理学博士学位
2001年8月- 2002年8月 浙江临海台州初级中学 教师
2009年7月- 2014年6月 欧洲杯线上买球 讲师
2014年9月- 2015年9月 新加坡国立大学 访问学者
2014年7月-至今 欧洲杯线上买球 副教授
2015年10月, 湖北省自然科学奖二等奖。
7.国家自然科学基金面上项目(3137 1669):磷脂酸PA与GhHOX蛋白互作的分子机制及其在棉纤维发育和品质形成中的作用,2014.1-2017.12,参与。
1.Li DD,Ruan XM, Zhang J, Wu YJ, Wang XL, Li XB*. 2013. Cotton plasma membraneintrinsic protein 2s (PIP2s) selectively interact to regulate their waterchannel activities and are required for fibre development.NewPhytologist,199: 695-707.
2. Li B#,Li DD#,Zhang J, Xia H, Wang XL, Li Y, Li XB*. 2013. Cotton AnnGh3 encoding anannexin protein is preferentially expressed in fibers and promotes initiationand elongation of leaf trichomes in transgenic Arabidopsis.Journal ofIntegrative Plant Biology, 55(10): 902-916.
3. Zhang J#,Li DD#,ZouD, Luo F, Wang XL, Zheng Y, Li XB*.2013.A cotton gene encoding a plasma membraneaquaporin is involved in seedling development and in response to droughtstress.Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 45: 104-114.
4. Ruan XM, Luo F,Li DD, Zhang J, LiuZH, Xu WL, Huang GQ, Li XB*. 2011. CottonBCPgenes encoding putativeblue copper binding proteins are functionally expressedin fiberdevelopment and involved in response to high-salinity and heavy metal stresses.Physiologia Plantarum, 141:71-83.
5. Qin YF,Li DD#, Wu YJ,Liu ZH, Zhang J, Zheng Y, Li XB*. 2010. Three cotton homeobox genes arepreferentially expressed during early seedling development and in response tophytohormone signaling.Plant Cell Reports, 29:1147-1156.
6.Li DD,Tai FJ, Zhang ZT, Li Y, Zheng Y, Wu YF, Li XB*. 2009.A cotton gene encodes a tonoplast aquaporin that is involved incell tolerance to cold stress.Gene, 438: 26-32.
7.Li DD,Wu YJ, Ruan XM, Li B, Zhu L, Wang H, Li XB*. 2009.Expressionsof three cotton genes encoding the PIP proteins are regulated in rootdevelopment and in response to stresses.Plant Cell Reports, 8:291-300.
8.LiDD, HuangGQ, TanX,WangJ, WangXL, Xu WL,WuYJ,WangH, LiXB*.2006.Cloning ofGhAQP1geneanditsspecificexpression duringovuledevelopmentincotton.J Plant Physiol Mol Biol32(5): 543-550
9. Zhang JM, Ma LF, Li W, Zhang J,Li DD,Li XB*.2014. Cotton TCTP1 gene encoding a translationally controlled tumor proteinparticipates in plant response and tolerance to aphids.Plant Cell TissOrganCult117:145-156.
10. Chen L, Wang QQ, Zhou L, Ren F,Li DD,Li XB*.2013. ArabidopsisCBL-interacting protein kinase (CIPK6) is involved in plant response tosalt/osmotic stress and ABA.Mol Biol Rep40:4759-4767.
11. Chen Y, Liu ZH, Feng L, Zheng Y,Li DD, Li XBab. 2013. Genome-wide functional analysis of cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum) in response to drought.PLoS ONE8(11): e80879.
12. RuanXM, Luo F,Li DD, Zhang J, Liu ZH, Xu WL, Huang GQ and Li XB*. 2011.CottonBCPgenes encoding putative blue copper-binding proteins arefunctionally expressed in fiber development and involved in response tohigh-salinity and heavy metal stresses.PhysiologiaPlantarum, 141: 71-83.
13. Huang,GQ,Gong SY, Xu WL, Li W, Li P, Zhang CJ,Li DD, Zheng Y, Li FG, Li XB*.2013. A fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein, GhFLA1, is involved in fiberinitiation and elongation of cotton.Plant Physiology, 161:1278-1290.
14. Li Y, Jiang J, Li L, Wang XL, Wang NN,LiDD, Li X-B*.2013.A cotton LIM domain-containing protein (GhWLIM5) is involved inundling actinfilaments.Plant Physiologyand Biochemistry, 66: 34-40.
15. HuangGQ,LiW,LiP, Zhou W, Zhang JM,Li DD,GongSY,LiXB.2013. Seven cotton genes encoding putative NAC domain proteins arepreferentially expressed in roots and in responses to abiotic stress duringroot developmentPlant Growth Regulation,71:101-112.
16. LiXB*, Xu D, Wang XL, HuangGQ, Luo J,Li DD, Zhang ZT, Xu WL. 2010. Three cotton genespreferentially expressed in flower tissues encodeactin-depolymerizingfactors which areinvolved in F-actin dynamics in cells.Journalof Experimental Botany, 61:41-53.
17. NiYX, Wang XL,Li DD, Wu YJ, Xu WL, Li XB*.2008. Novel cotton homeobox gene and its expression profiling in rootdevelopment and in response to stresses and phytohormones.ActaBiochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 40: 78-84.
18. Shi HY, Wang XL,Li DD,Tang WK,Wang H, Xu WL, Li XB*.2007. Molecular characterization of cotton 14-3-3Lgene preferentially expressed during fiber elongation.Journal ofGenetics Genomics, 34:151-159.