1992年9月- 1996年6月 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院 学士学位(微生物学专业)
1996年9月- 2000年6月 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院 硕士学位(生化与分子生物学专业)
2000年9月- 2003年6月 武汉大学正规买球app十佳排行榜 博士学位(遗传学专业)
2004年8月- 2007年5月 中国科学院水生生物研究所 博士后
2007年6月- 2012年10月 华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院 副教授
2012年11月- 2015年4月 华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院 教授,博导
2015年5月-至今 正规买球app十佳排行榜 教授,博导(高层次人才引进)
2016年 正规买球app十佳排行榜教师教学竞赛二等奖
2015年 中国微生物学会学术年会优秀学术论文奖
2012年 第十五次全国环境微生物学术研讨会“简浩然环境微生物基金”优秀论文奖
2012年 中国微生物学会学术年会优秀学术论文奖
2012年 第十四届湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖
2010年 湖北省第二届青年教师教学竞赛二等奖
2010年 “湖北青年教学能手”荣誉称号
2009年 华中科技大学青年教师教学竞赛一等奖(主讲本科生《分子生物学》,双语教学)
2012年 华中科技大学“十佳青年教工”荣誉称号
2010年 华中科技大学教学质量优秀奖二等奖
2014年 华中科技大学教学质量优秀奖二等奖
微生物分子生物学,真菌分子生物学,环境微生物学,环境生物技术。主要从事高效降解木质素和环境有机污染物的真菌及其木质素降解酶的分子生物学和生物化学研究。迄今已在微生物学和生物技术领域重要学术期刊(如Journalof Bacteriology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Bioresource Technology,Journal ofHazardous Materials,Journalof Chemical Technology and Biotechnology等)发表第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文16篇。主要研究方向包括:
1.Yang Yang,Chuntao Yin, Weizhi Li, Xudong Xu.2008.α-Tocopherol Is Essential for AcquiredChill-Light Tolerance in the CyanobacteriumSynechocystissp.Strain PCC 6803.Journal of Bacteriology, 190(5): 1554–1560 (SCI,5-year IF: 3.110).
2.Yang Yang, FangfangFan, Rui Zhuo, Fuying Ma, Yangmin Gong, Xia Wan, Mulan Jiang, Xiaoyu Zhang.2012.Expression of the Laccase Genefrom a White Rot Fungus inPichia pastorisCan Enhance the Resistance ofThis Yeast to H2O2-MediatedOxidative Stress byStimulating the Glutathione-Based AntioxidativeSystem.Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78(16): 5845-5854 (SCI, 5-year IF: 4.303).
3.FangfangFan, Rui Zhuo, Su Sun, Xia Wan, Mulan Jiang, Xiaoyu Zhang*,Yang Yang*. 2011.Cloning and functional analysis of a new laccase gene fromTrametessp.48424 which had the high yield of laccase and strong ability for decolorizingdifferent dyes.Bioresource Technology,102: 3126–3137(SCI, 5-yearIF: 5.744).(*通讯作者)
4.Rui Zhuo, Li Ma, Fangfang Fan, YangminGong, Xia Wan, Mulan Jiang, Xiaoyu Zhang,Yang Yang*.2011.Decolorization of different dyes by a newly isolated white-rotfungi strainGanodermasp.En3 and cloning and functional analysis of its laccase gene.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 192:855–873(SCI,5-yearIF: 5.641).(*通讯作者)
5.Yang Yang, Fuying Ma, Hongbo Yu,Fangfang Fan, Xia Wan, Xiaoyu Zhang, Mulan Jiang.2011.Characterization of a laccase gene from the white-rot fungiTrametessp.5930 isolated from Shennongjia Nature Reserve in China and studying on thecapability of decolorization of different synthetic dyes.BiochemicalEngineering Journal,57: 13–22(SCI, 5-yearIF: 2.859).
6.Yang Yang,FuxiangWei,Rui Zhuo, FangfangFan,Huahua Liu, Chen Zhang,Li Ma,Mulan Jiang,Xiaoyu Zhang.2013.Enhancing the laccaseproduction and laccase gene expression inthe white-rotfungusTrametes velutina5930with great potential for biotechnological applicationsby different metal ions and aromatic compounds.PLoS ONE, 8(11): e79307(SCI,5-yearIF: 3.535).
7.Li Ma, Rui Zhuo, Huahua Liu, Dong Yu, Mulan Jiang, Xiaoyu Zhang,YangYang*.2014.Efficient decolorization anddetoxification of the sulfonated azodye Reactive Orange 16 and simulated textile wastewater containingReactive Orange 16 by the white-rot fungusGanodermasp.En3isolatedfrom the forest of Tzu-chin Mountain in China.BiochemicalEngineering Journal,82: 1–9.(SCI, 5-Year IF: 2.859).(*通讯作者)
8.Xing Qin, Jie Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhang,YangYang*.2014.Induction, purification and
characterization of a novel manganese peroxidase fromIrpexlacteusCD2 and its application in the decolorization of different types ofdye.PLoS ONE,9(11): e113282.(SCI,5-yearIF: 3.535).(*通讯作者)
9.Feng He, Xing Qin, Hao Zhang, Yaqing Yang,Xiaoyu Zhang,Yang Yang*.2015.Characterizationof laccase isoenzymes from the white-rot fungusGanodermasp.En3and synergistic action of isoenzymes for dye decolorization.Journal of Chemical Technology andBiotechnology,90:2265–2279(SCI, 5-Year IF: 2.744).(*通讯作者)
10.Rui Zhuo, Feng He, XiaoyuZhang∗,Yang Yang∗.2015.Characterization of a yeast
recombinant laccase rLAC-EN3-1 and its application in decolorizingsynthetic dye with the coexistence of metal ions and organic solvents.BiochemicalEngineering Journal, 93: 63–72.(SCI, 5-Year IF: 2.859).(*通讯作者)
11.Hao Zhang, Shu Zhang, Feng He, Xing Qin, Xiaoyu Zhang,YangYang*.2016.Characterization of amanganese peroxidase from white-rot fungusTrametessp.48424 with strong ability of degrading different types of dyesand polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Journal of Hazardous Materials,320: 265–277.(SCI, 5-yearIF: 5.641).(*通讯作者)
12.Ruoying Lu, Li Ma, Feng He, Dong Yu, Ruozhi Fan, Yangming Zhang,Zheping Long, Xiaoyu Zhang,Yang Yang*.2016.White-rot fungusGanodermasp.En3 had a strong ability todecolorize and tolerate the anthraquinone, indigo and triphenylmethane dye withhigh concentrations.Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering,39:381-390.(SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.964).(*通讯作者)
13.Yang Yang,Yuping Huang, Ping Shen.2003.The 492 bp RM07 DNA fragment from thehalophilic Archaea confers promoter activity in all three domains of life.CurrentMicrobiology, 47(5): 388-394. (SCI,5-Year IF:1.563).
14.Yang Yang, JunchengZhu, Yi Liu, Ping Shen, Songsheng Qu.2005.Microcalorimetry is a sensitive method forstudying the effect of nucleotide mutation on promoter activity.Journalof Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 62(3): 183-189. (SCI, IF: 1.201).
15.Yang Yang, Y Liu, JZhu, MJ Li, Ping Shen.2005.Study on the nucleotide mutation in -35 boxsequence of gene promoter by means of microcalorimetric method.Journalof Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 79: 645-648. (SCI,5-Year IF: 1.750).
16.Yang Yang,Y Liu, JZhu, Ping Shen.2004.Microcalorimetric study on the transcription startsite mutagenesis.Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 75:293-300. (SCI,5-Year IF: 1.750).
17.杨洋,沈萍.2004.盐生盐杆菌RM07 DNA片段在大肠杆菌中的定点诱变和启动子功能分析,遗传学报,31(5): 525-532.
18.杨洋,黄玉屏,沈萍.2004.具有真细菌和真核生物融合特征的古生菌转录系统,微生物学报,44(3): 402-405.