2002-2006 武汉大学正规买球app十佳排行榜 发育生物学 博士
1999-2002 正规买球app十佳排行榜 植物学 硕士
1993-1997 正规买球app十佳排行榜 生物科学 学士;
2019-至今 正规买球app十佳排行榜 遗传学专业教授
2013-2014 香港科技大学 博士后 植物磷酸化定量蛋白质组学研究
2008-2019 正规买球app十佳排行榜 遗传学专业副教授
2006-2008 正规买球app十佳排行榜 遗传学专业讲师
1. 植物(油菜)磷素代谢分子调控机制:植物磷缺乏应答相关基因生物学功能分析,植物磷缺乏应答信号转导及分子调控机制机械。
2. 植物磷酸化定量蛋白质组学研究:油菜低磷应答及油菜含油量相关磷酸化蛋白质组学分析及信号调控解析。
1 Jian-Feng Zhang#, You-Yi Wang#, Le He, Jing-Yi Yan, Ying-Ying Liu, Zhao-Yang Ruan, Wen-Cheng Liu, Long Yi*, Feng Ren*. PHR1 involved in the regulation of low phosphate-induced leaf senescence by modulating phosphorus homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Environ 2024 47(3):799-816.
2 Kai-Kai Lu, Ru-Feng Song, Jia-Xing Guo, Yu Zhang, Jia-Xin Zuo, Hui-Hui Chen, Cai-Yi Liao, Xiao-Yu Hu, Feng Ren, Ying-Tang Lu, Wen-Cheng Liu. CycC1;1-WRKY75 complex-mediated transcriptional regulation of SOS1 controls salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2023 35(7):2570-2591 doi: 10.1093/plcell/koad105
3 Jian-Feng Zhang#, Hui-Hui Chu#, Dan Liao, Guang-Jing Ma, Yi-Kai Tong, Ying-Ying Liu, Jun Li, Feng Ren*. Comprehensive Evolution and Expression analysis of PHOSPHATE 1 Gene Family in Allotetraploid Brassica napus and Its Diploid Ancestors. Biochemical Genetics 2023 61:2330-2347
4 Jiang Zhu, Wen-Shu Wang, Da-Wei Yan, Li-Wei Hong, Ting-Ting Li, Xiang Gao, Yun-Huang Yang, Feng Ren, Ying-Tang Lu, Ting-Ting Yuan. CK2 promotes jasmonic acid signaling response by phosphorylating MYC2 in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 2023 51:619-630
5 Yu Zhang, Lin-Feng Wang, Shu-Yue Han, Feng Ren*, Wen-Cheng Liu*. Sorting Nexin1 negatively modulates phosphate uptake by facilitating Phosphate Transporter1;1 degradation in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2022 111(1):72-84.
6 Bin-Jie Gu, Yi-Kai Tong, You-Yi Wang, Mei-Li Zhang, Guang-Jing Ma, Xiao-Qin Wu, Jian-Feng Zhang, Fan Xu, Jun Li, Feng Ren*. Genome-wide evolution and expression analysis of the MYB-CC gene family in Brassica spp.. PeerJ 2022 10:e12882.
7 Ke-Lin Huang#, Huan Wang#, Ying-Li Wei, Han-Xin Jia, Lei Zha, Yong Zheng, Feng Ren*, Xue-Bao Li*. The high-affinity transporter BnPHT1;4 is involved in phosphorus acquisition and mobilization for facilitating seed germination and early seedling growth of Brassica napus. BMC Plant Biology 2019 19:156.
8 Kai Wang#, Zhu Yang#, Dongjin Qing#, Feng Ren#, Shichang Liu, Qingsong Zheng, Jun Liu, Weiping Zhang, Chen Dai, Madeline Wu, E. Wassim Chehab, Janet Braam, Ning Li. Quantitative and functional posttranslational modification proteomics reveals that TREPH1 plays a role in plant touch-delayed bolting. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2018 115(43): E10265-E10274.
9 Ke-Lin Huang#, Guang-Jing Ma#, Mei-Li Zhang, Huan Xiong, Huan Wu, Cai-Zhi Zhao, Chun-Sen Liu, Han-Xin Jia, Liang Chen, Johan Olav Kjorven, Xue-Bao Li, Feng Ren*. The ARF7 and ARF19 Transcription Factors Positively Regulate PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE1 in Arabidopsis Roots. Plant Physiol 2018 178(1): 413–427.
10 Ke-Lin Huang, Mei-Li Zhang, Guang-Jing Ma, Huan Wu, Xiao-Ming Wu, Feng Ren*, Xue-Bao Li*. Transcriptome profiling analysis reveals the role of silique in controlling seed oil content in Brassica napus. PLoS ONE 2017 12(6): e0179027.
11 Jiang Zhu, Wen-Shu Wang, Dan Ma, Lin-Yu Zhang, Feng Ren, Ting-Ting Yuan. A role for CK2 βsubunit 4 in the regulation of plant growth, cadmium accumulation and H2O2 content under cadmium stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2016, 109:240–247.
12 Feng Ren, Cai-Zhi Zhao, Chun-Sen Liu, Ke-Lin Huang, Qian-Qian Guo, Li-Li Chang, Huan Xiong, Xue-Bao Li. A Brassica napus PHT1 phosphate transporter, BnPht1;4, promotes phosphate uptake and affects roots architecture of transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology 2014, 86:595–607.
13 Liang Chen, Qing-Qing Wang, Li Zhou, Feng Ren, Deng-Di Li, Xue-Bao Li. Arabidopsis CBL-interacting protein kinase (CIPK6) is involved in plant response to salt/osmotic stress and ABA. Molecular Biology Reports 2013, 40:4759–4767.
14 Feng Ren, Qian-Qian Guo, Li-Li Chang, Liang Chen, Cai-Zhi Zhao, Hui Zhong, Xue-Bao Li. Brassica napus PHR1 gene encoding a MYB-like protein functions in response to phosphate starvation. PLoS ONE 2012, 7(8):e44005.
15 Liang Chen, Feng Ren, Li Zhou, Qing-Qing Wang, Hui Zhong, Xue-Bao Li. The Brassica napus Calcineurin B-Like 1/CBL-interacting protein kinase 6 (CBL1/CIPK6) component is involved in the plant response to abiotic stress and ABA signaling. Journal of Experimental Botany 2012, 63(17):6211–6222.
16 Hui Zhong, Qian-Qian Guo, Liang Chen, Feng Ren, Qing-Qing Wang, Yong Zheng, Xue-Bao Li. Two Brassica napus genes encoding NAC transcription factors are involved in response to high-salinity stress. Plant Cell Reports 2012, 31:1991–2003.
17 Feng Ren, Liang Chen, Qian-Qian Guo, Hui Zhong, Yan Wu, Li-Li Chang, Xue-Bao Li. Identification and expression analysis of genes induced by phosphate starvation in leaves and roots of Brassica napus. Plant Growth Regulation 2011, 65: 65–81.
18 Liang Chen, Hui Zhong, Feng Ren, Qian-Qian Guo, Xu-Peng Hu, Xue-Bao Li. A novel cold-regulated gene, COR25, of Brassica napus is involved in plant response and tolerance to cold stress. Plant Cell Reports 2011, 30:463–471.
19 Liang Chen#, Feng Ren#, Wei-Min Jiang, Hui Zhong, Xue-Bao Li. Identification and Expression Analysis of Genes Induced by High-Salinity and Drought Stresses in Brassica napus. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2010, 42:154–164.
20 Feng Ren, Hai-jiang Lian and Liang Chen. TobpreproHypSys-A Gene Expression and Defense Protein Activity in the Tobacco Wounding Response. Journal of Plant Biology 2008, 51(1):48–51.
21 Feng Ren, Ying-Tang Lu. Overexpression of tobacco hydroxyproline-rich glycopeptide systemin precursor A gene in transgenic tobacco enhances resistance against Helicoverpa armigera Larvae. Plant Science 2006, 171:286–292.
22 Xiang Gao, Feng Ren,Ying-Tang Lu. The arabidopsis mutant stg1 uncovers a role for TFIID subunit AtTA10 in salt tolerance during seed germination. Plant and Cell Physiology 2006, 47(9):1285-1294.
23 Li-Xiang Yang, Rui-Yong Wang, Feng Ren, Jia Liu, Jia Cheng and Ying-Tang Lu. AtGLB1 Enhances the Tolerance of Arabidopsis to Hydrogen Peroxide Stress. Plant and Cell Physiology 2005, 46(8):1309–1316.
24 Shuiping Cheng,Feng Ren, Wolfgang Grosse and Zhenbin Wu. Effects of Cadmium on Chlorophyll Content, Photochemical Efficiency and Photosynthetic Intensity of Canna Indica Linn. International Journal of Phytorediation 2002, 4(3):239-246.
25伍小琴, 王有艺, 童奕凯, 张建丰, 顾斌洁, 徐帆, 任峰*。BnPHR1转基因油菜低温抗性机制探究。中国油料作物学报 2022 44(4):751-761。
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